Candidate for D.C. Bar President-Elect 2020
I’m a candidate for President-Elect of the DC Bar. I have a clear, consistent vision of leadership focused on three issues that will be more important than ever in the wake of COVID-19: (i) increasing access to justice and supporting our great legal services providers; (ii) working with the voluntary bars and others to make our bar more diverse, equitable, and inclusive; and (iii) working with bar members from both the government and the private sector, from solo practitioners to large firms, to make sure that the Bar is providing the career, wellness, training, and other services that they want and will need in the aftermath of the crisis.
Because of my consistent advocacy and leadership on these critical issues, I have been endorsed by 15 past DC Bar Presidents, including the current President and President-Emeritus of the Legal Services Corporation and a past President of the American Bar Association. I also have been endorsed by the following organizations already this year:
National Bar Association Region XII
Asian Pacific American Bar Association of the Greater Washington DC Area (APABA-DC)
DC Consortium of Legal Services Providers
Greater Washington Area Chapter, Women Lawyers Division, National Bar Association (GWAC)
Hispanic Bar Association of the District of Columbia (HBA-DC)
South Asian Bar Association of Washington, DC (SABA-DC)
Washington Bar Association
Washington Council of Lawyers
I ask you to join me, and them, in working together to make this Bar stronger, more diverse and inclusive, and more responsive to the legal needs of the community and the needs of its members.
Thank you.
Past DC Bar Presidents
Andrea C. Ferster
Ronald S. Flagg
George W. Jones, Jr.
John "Jack" C. Keeney, Jr.
Carolyn B. Lamm
Myles V. Lynk
Andrew H. Marks
Patrick McGlone
John W. Nields, Jr.
Stephen J. Pollak
James J. Sandman
Annamaria Steward
Joan H. Strand
Robert N. Weiner
Melvin White
Other Bar leaders
Rod Boggs
Edgar Class
Jill Dash
Marc Fleischaker
Ann K. Ford
Mark Herzog
Bridget Bailey Lipscomb
Amy Nelson
Kendra Norwood
Allen Orr, Jr.
Lee Petro
Jessica Rosenbaum
National Bar Association Region XII
DC Consortium of Legal Service Providers
Greater Washington Area Chapter, Women Lawyers Division, National Bar Association (GWAC)
Hispanic Bar Association of the District of Columbia (HBA-DC)
Asian Pacific American Bar Association of the Greater Washington, D.C. Area, Inc. (APABA-DC)
South Asian Bar Association of Washington, DC (SABA-DC)
Washington Bar Association (WBA)
Washington Council of Lawyers
Committed to Diversity and Inclusion. Invested in Access to Justice.
Between May 1 and June 1, eligible voters can log in to the www.dcbar.org website with their D.C. Bar member credentials and click on the “Vote Now” button in their profile to vote.